In today’s personal brand example, we take a look at Ryan Stewman, a Sales and Marketing Expert, Author, and Entrepreneur. 

Example: Personal Brand Logo

The personal brand logo used by Stewman is elaborate and distinct. It includes his first and last initials in a black, renaissance-style font. Below his initials are his first and last name written in a small black font. There are three black dots above his initials, and an intricate circular design around his initials, his name, and the dots. This type of personal brand logo is unique and catches the eye, which sets him apart from his competitors. 

Personal Branding Tip: Creating an ornate personal brand logo will make your personal brand more memorable to your audience.

Example: Personal Brand Statement

From Ryan Stewman’s website:

“First, I write my own bios. Second I have a long ass list of accomplishments that even I can’t believe.”

This personal brand statement used by Stewman doesn’t give much detail into his business, but provides a clever way to show his viewers that he is successful. He states that he writes his own bios, which shows that he doesn’t delegate other people to handle aspects of his personal brand, and that he is true to his word. He then says that he has a long list of accomplishments that he can’t even believe, which entices the viewer to keep reading and to do more research on his work, so they can learn about what he has done. 

Example: Personal Brand Tagline

Ryan Stewman does not have a personal brand tagline. 

Example: Personal Brand Story

Stewman’s personal brand story is located in the About tab on his personal brand website. He begins by discussing his business journey, which started when he was 13 years old selling car washes in Texas. He held sells and car count records at the car wash he worked at, and then began working at a mortgage company owned by a customer from the car wash. He worked successfully there until he was unable to earn his Federal mortgage license, which brought him to nothing overnight, causing many hardships for him.

He then decided to start his own business, managing social media platforms for over 70 companies. The company’s he did this for fluctuated with success and failure, so he stopped doing this as well. He then created his company Hardcore Closer, which was established for the purpose of teaching people how to sell online. He lists his gross sale numbers over the first few years, earning $150k in Year $1300k in Year 2, and by Year 4 over 2 million. 

He transitions to discussing how he is an author as well, and has published many books to help individuals market and sell their business to consumers. He lists a few publications he has contributed to, such as Forbes, Huffington Post, and Entrepreneur. He explains his company, Hardcore Closer, and what is has to offer. By including personal information about his childhood and the steps he took to create success for himself, he becomes more relatable and trustworthy to his audience. They know what he struggled with, and how he overcame obstacles to get to where he is now.

Example: Personal Branding Website

Stewman uses as his personal branding website. On his website he includes information about his e-learning products, podcast, flagship program, live events, books, and company. He has testimonials from people who have purchased his products and used his services, which is a great way to boost credibility in his field. He also includes links all over his personal branding website to his company website for Hardcore Closer, as well as icons that take people directly to his social media platforms, such as his Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. His website is easy to use, with lots of information about his sales and marketing expertise. 

Personal Branding Tip: It is important to keep a consistent look and feel throughout your websites and social media platforms to build a stronger personal brand. 

Example: Personal Branding for Social Media 

Next, let’s take a look at how Ryan Stewman has personally branded his social media profiles.


Stewman’s Facebook profile is casual and personal, and not too focused on his business. His profile picture is a shot of him wearing a sweatshirt, walking, and not looking at the camera. It has text on it that says “GCODE”, which is a phrase he uses in his material. He says that if you live by this GCODE, you will become great. His header picture is of his wife, his child, and himself standing by a luxury car and jet planes. This image is a depiction of his wealth and success, while also including a splash of his family as well. Underneath his full name he has the words Hardcore Closer in paranthesis, which is the name of his company. This allows his viewers to directly correlate his name with his business. 


Stewman’s Twitter profile is similar to his Facebook profile in the sense that it is not heavily focused on his business, but it does display his success. His profile picture is a casual shot of him walking in a t-shirt with sunglasses on, not looking at the camera. His header picture is of him and his wife walking and not looking at the camera in front of a jet plane, once again showing his wealth. His bio states that he is a Tech Entrepreneur and CEO of Phonesites, which lets his viewers know his profession as well as another company that he created in addition to Hardcore Closer. 


Stewman’s YouTube profile is much more focused on his business than his Facebook and Twitter profiles. His profile picture is of him looking at the camera in a button-up shirt, with an American flag behind him. His header picture includes a shot of him sitting in a luxury car, and not looking at the camera with sunglasses and casual entire on. It includes information about his company Phonesites, which helps people create their own high-converting sales funnel. In addition to a brief overview of Phonesites, he provides links to his Hardcore Closer Facebook profile and website. His header picture provides quick and easy information and access to both Phonesites and Hardcore Closer, which directly promotes his companies. 


Stewman’s Instagram profile is heavily focused on promoting his personal brand and his companies. His profile picture is the same shot that he uses as his Twitter profile picture, which is a casual shot of him walking in front of a jet plane. In his bio he states that he is the CEO of Phonesites, creator of the GCODE,and he hosts a podcast with over 2 million downloads. These are all accomplishments that define his success, and are seen instantly as his viewers glance at his Instagram profile. He also includes a clever statement that he is “much cooler in real life”, which goes along well with the laid-back feel of his personal brand website and social media platforms. He has a link to a challenge on his Phonesites website, which allows his audience to directly have access to the website, which will eventually lead to them exploring it and learning more about his work. 

Personal Branding with Books

Stewman has posted many books to help to help people market and sell their business properly online to consumers, and to grow their business. His books have been credited in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, and Inc. They are directly inline with his personal brand, and are written in a similar tone and voice as his personal brand website and his social media platforms. Some of his books include:

  • Hardcore Closer
  • Bulletproof Business: Protect Yourself Against The Competition
  • Elevator to the Top: Your Go-To Resource for All Things Sales
  • Kick Ass – Take Names, Emails and Phone Numbers 

Personal Branding Tip: Your personal brand and business gain credibility when you are featured in large publications, so it is important to list these publications on your personal brand website and social media platforms. 

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